Selecting And Caring For Your First Wig

Wigs are a fantastic way to change your look for a special occasion or to experiment with different hair colors or styles. The hair pieces can also enhance your appearance after hair loss from a medical condition. Regardless of your reason for deciding to buy a wig, by following essential tips, you can look your best in the hair piece and make it last longer.

Choosing the Best Wig For Your Needs

While you can buy a cheap wig from a costume shop or a run-of-the-mill beauty supply store, if you want to look your best, invest in a higher quality piece from wig specialty shops or from known brands.

Human hair pieces are among the most expensive wigs because they most closely resemble natural locks and last longer than synthetic wigs. You can also style human hair wigs in more ways than synthetic pieces. For instance, you can curl and straighten human hair wigs with heat. There are also high-quality synthetic wigs that closely resemble the look of human hair.

For both types of wigs, you can select from lace fronts, u-parts, headbands, half wigs, and more. For beginners, headband wigs are great because you can slip them on quickly, and the headband will hide your hairline and edges while giving the illusion of a full head of hair. If you want wigs that allow you to show some of your hair, choose a u-part wig. Choose wigs with braids, twists, and textured locks for coily hairstyles.

Taking Care of Your Wig

If you want the most bang for your buck for your first wig, you need to care for it as if it were your own hair. This means regularly cleaning and conditioning the wig to ensure it does not accumulate product build-up, lint, or dirt.

If you want to wear your wig daily, wash it at least twice a month with a good quality non-sulfate shampoo. Before washing your wig, detangle it with a seamless wide tooth comb so you do not pull out any strands.

Wet the wig with lukewarm water for shampooing. After rinsing out the shampoo, let a moisturizing conditioner sit in the hair for several minutes before rinsing.

Invest in a wig stand for drying your wig. If you want it to dry faster, use a blow dryer on low heat or cool. Do not use a heat setting for a synthetic wig.

Use a mannequin head to store your wig to keep its shape. Some wig companies provide satin bags for storing wigs. Ensure the wig is completely dry before storing it in the bag to prevent bacteria and mold growth.

If you follow these tips, your first wig should last you for many months or more, depending on how often you wear it. For more information, contact a local company, like Ace Wigs.

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Love the Hair and Skin You Were Born With Whatever hair and skin you were born with, that's the hair and skin that you have. As such, it is important to take great care of your hair and skin. For your skin, you need a good moisturizer, gentle cleansers, and high-quality products to address any ongoing issues like dryness or acne. For your hair, a good clarifying shampoo and a softening conditioner will go a long way. Of course, there is a little more to hair and skin care than that, which is why we invite you to keep reading on this website. We think you'll gain some valuable insight from these articles.

